Feldenkrais found the one tangled thread that tugged on the center of my being and started to unravel it.
Read MoreResistance creates a diminished potential for action while simultaneously wasting energy. What happens if it goes away?
Read MoreRead more about falling in love with life.
Read MoreIt’s not movement that we want to improve, it's what we get from it: More ease, more efficiency, more power, less pain, better relationships, fewer walls, less shame about who we are, more acceptance, more smiles, less inner contraction, more breath, better posture.
Read MoreTrue self-education is about making mistakes, not being told what to do.
Read MoreHow to answer the question, “How should I move?” and “Am I doing it right?”
Read MoreTo create real change means to create a wholly responsive use of the self.
Read MoreWhile Moshe Feldenkrais worked with improving movement, his goal was awareness: The ability to use effective action in one's life.
Read MoreIt it really true, the more vertical, the better?
Read MoreBalance is a constantly changing state of potential energy. How can we feel potential if we are always thrown off balance?
Read MoreAfter years of Feldenkrais, one of the most important, and uncomfortable, things to contemplate is an awareness of what I don't know.
Read MoreDr. Feldenkrais once said that the point of his work was to bring about awareness in action, which means the ability to make contact with your muscles, your skeleton, and the environment all at the same time.
Read MoreHow Feldenkrais is play and creativity.
Read More"Our bodies are membranes in the world.”
Read MoreI bet you never thought you'd see those words together in a title.
Read MoreInspiration at the gut level.
Read More“Decide" means killing off all other options. How does this happen?
Read More"It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory." --W. Edwards Deming
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