Super light arms, lengthen whole self

Super light arms, lengthen whole self


Lessons for shoulder issues and/or knots in the upper back. Nine lessons.

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Tip: Some of these have the arms overhead, so if that’s an issue for you, don't interlace the hands and place the arms more out to the side, or put a blanket under the arms.  If you can’t reach the floor, raise the floor. Do not strain in the chest. Then, incrementally remove the support and notice how your chest allows the arms to be overhead.

1 Tilt knees, rotate spine, lengthen arms, 42 min
2 Lengthen spine, roll arms overhead, 50 min
3 Arms in hoop, free the chest, shoulders, knees out to side, 35 min
4 Arms behind #3, tilting knees, 35 min
5 Super light arms, lengthen whole self #1, 40 min
6 Super light arms, lengthen whole self #2, 30 min
7 Super light arms, lengthen whole self #3, 32 min
8 Lengthening and expanding, part 1, 22 min
Lengthening and expanding part 2, 43 min
9 Side bend for flexible ribs, 36 min