Do not try to achieve
We are so drilled or wired-in by prevailing educational methods that when we know what is required of us, we go all-out to achieve it, for fear of loss of face, regardless of what it costs us to do so.
Read MoreDo not try to achieve
We are so drilled or wired-in by prevailing educational methods that when we know what is required of us, we go all-out to achieve it, for fear of loss of face, regardless of what it costs us to do so.
Read MoreDo not try to achieve
We are so drilled or wired-in by prevailing educational methods that when we know what is required of us, we go all-out to achieve it, for fear of loss of face, regardless of what it costs us to do so.
Read MoreDo not concentrate
Do not concentrate if concentration means to you directing your attention to one particular important point to the utmost of your ability. This is a particular kind of concentration, useful as an exercise, but rarely in normal occupation and skills.
Read MoreThe point of leverage
Finding the point of leverage is learning how to make life workable. Practicing Feldenkrais is solving the puzzle of “workability” over and over again.
Read MoreWhy bother to be so efficient?
As advertised, you slide the shoulders and make small shifts in the neck. As they move up, down, and around, the quality improves, diminishing the jumpy, staccato muscle movements.
Read MoreFalling in love with your life
This lesson continues the movement of the fingers in relation to the arms and upper back. It's remarkable how small changes in the sequence and orientation of the fingers, palm, and wrist change how we use the bigger muscles of the back.
Read MoreMastering how to learn is more important than the skill itself
I love this lesson not only because it releases the neck like crazy, but it also focuses on the inner and outer worlds, dividing one’s attention between the inner sensations and the outer environment.
Read MoreHow to learn
I love this lesson if I have been sitting too long. It unwinds the upper back in some amazing ways. The idea is to create a continuous sense of contact across the back, not only up but across and in circles.
Read MoreEmbracing mistakes
This lesson focuses on coordinating the trunk, almost as if you had no limbs. Try it to restore natural human coordination that gets lost in times of stress and tension.
Read MoreChest tension is what you can let go of, but what you gain is a sense of coordination through the torso that points to fundamental human locomotion: walking.
Read MoreCure hunchy shoulders
This is an amazing lesson, unraveling years of tension in the back and shoulders. It is very slow, detailed, and informative.
Read MoreAttentional overload
This lesson is good for unwinding tension. It’s slow and gentle and helps the hidden tightness in the ribs, jaw, belly, and neck start to soften.
Read MoreTricking myself to connect
This lesson softens all the tension in the spine and ribs as I adapt and balance over the blanket.
Read MoreDynamic adjustments for balance
Side-bends get short shrift. We forget how useful they are for all human movement, especially easy standing.
Read MoreOut of anxiety, into the skeleton
I love this lesson for the way I feel smooth, light, and fluid afterwards. My back just flattens out with very little work.
Read MoreThe listening
This is a slow, gentle lesson with attention on coordination, sensing, and timing. The art of Feldenkais is the brain making sensory distinctions. This lesson is uncomplicated in terms of movement, but it is neurologically complex.
Read MoreHarmony in action
I love this lesson not only because it releases the neck, but it also focuses on the inner and outer worlds, dividing one’s attention between the inner sensations and the outer environment.
Read MoreProductivity and effort
Consider how resistance occurs when the limbs are made to do the job of the pelvis. It’s exhausting. So you could say this lesson is about waking up the big muscles of the trunk.
Read MoreA new stability
The complication of any act can be multiplied infinitely, and the quality diminishes. It is like this with the eyes: vision is the primary sense through which humans make sense of the world. When we attach the use of the eyes to many other unnecessary muscular efforts, we feel clunky and unstable. It takes more and more effort to move us off our balance point, which should be easy to do given our high center of gravity.
Read MoreRelearning Movement Skills
Life is easier when you use your center to move the limbs. Discover how the limbs float because you shift your weight, not because you are straining with small muscles to move big bones!
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