Easy diagonals for walking, 34 min
“It’s not that I’m so smart.
It’s that I stay with the questions much longer.”
— Albert Einstein
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If we’ve compressed the breath, contracted the belly, or locked down the ribs, we’re siphoning off potential power every day.
Try this lesson to restore the natural human coordination that gets lost in times of stress and tension. It focuses on coordinating the trunk, almost as if you had no limbs. We forget, as adults, how precisely we can access patterns in the trunk. We assume it works “good enough” until it doesn’t.
Feel how the logic of using the trunk to move the limbs both improves your sensation of movement, and also redistributes the energy required to move when it’s more centralized.
Plus, there is a breathing variation toward the end that I just love. It’s the most relieving thing I’ve done in ages.
For Feldenkrais folks, this is a close cousin to the Four Corners lesson.
(From the Calm and Destress section in the FeldenkraisTREASURY.)
Thought for July 4: Embracing mistakes
(I wrote this note a couple years ago and I was reminded of it this morning while chatting with a client.)
Most people cannot abide mistakes. It makes us feel unintelligent and unskillful, myself included. Luckily, practicing Feldenkrais provides a context where lots of "mistakes" create a more beneficial outcome because the process of adaptation requires many mistakes.
Dr. Feldenkrais said, “Embrace your mistakes. If you want to find the full range of human activity, you have to make many mistakes.”
Undeniable Inner Experience
True self-education is about making mistakes, in contrast to being told something outright (or googling it). On this topic, I agree with E.M. Forster: “Spoon feeding, in the long run, teaches us nothing but the shape of the spoon.”
Google is, unfortunately, a kind of spoon.
Thankfully, sensory feedback cannot be googled or dictated by an outside source. It resides in the blissful truth of inner experience. We might say, “This food is spicy, my back hurts in this chair, I feel dizzy on this road, these shoes are no good for me,” statements that cannot be judged by their correctness. They just are.
As we put words on our sensations, others can enter into our experience. Although another person cannot have our exact experience, they nevertheless know what it means. It's how Helen Keller, deaf, dumb, and blind, discovered her humanity. She knew what inner experience felt like, and she used potent words to describe it.
Adjusting to New Inner Experience
All of my clients, to a person, want to “feel like themselves” again, whether it's the life-long passion of painting, working in a treasured garden, or playing a beloved sport.
Often, feeling like ourselves is a background experience we don't notice until it is gone, upon which it is viciously missed. Then we stumble around, making mistake after mistake as we rediscover what it means to move, feel, and live.
Usually, refining our sense of self doesn't happen until after we are disoriented, injured, or challenged.
Yet, we can always become "more ourselves" by becoming more and more differentiated in our thought and actions. We don't have to wait for injury or loss of function.
Recognizing sensory feedback and choosing how we respond to it is our birthright.
Helen Keller knew this. She says, “Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content.”
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Special offer through July 31: $54 for three months (30% off)