Simple pelvic clock for easy mobility
This short, simple version of the pelvic clock is wonderful to do when you are just home from work or just getting out of bed. Moving around the hip joints and making gentle discriminations of the pelvis will help you get through every day with a mobile back and swinging legs.
Tip: make smaller and lighter movements that you think you need.
For longer versions and many more pelvic clock lessons, see these two sections in the Treasury:
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Even though I’ve had a busy week (marketing my Treasury in Italy where they have gorgeous Feldenkrais websites!), I have been thinking a lot about how we map our sensory input.
We are mapping sensory input all the time, whether we know it or not. Feldenkrais is a way to complete this sensory map, and then clarify it in the world as we create, share, and enact our lives. Moshe Feldenkrais called this process, “completing the self-image.” He comments that:
Our sense of self is a function of our own unique environment. We develop individual characteristics that make us “us”. For the most part, we cannot affect our physical heritage, but we can greatly change how we sense ourselves.
Self-education comes about by acknowledging and acting upon our own organic needs, finding our own self-satisfaction, and choosing how we want to live in the world.
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I particularly love this quote:
If you want to improve the self-image, you must first value yourself as an individual. If you can see yourself with compassion, with humanity, you will achieve the self-respect that allows you to further your own education. If you don't, you will only be furthering others' ideas of you.
More lessons:
This lesson is from the Tips and Tricks, hips and low back section in the Feldenkrais Treasury.
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Quote of the week:
“Correcting the self-image is more useful than correcting a single action.”