Soften the spine: Prep to roll

Soften the spine: Prep to roll


Seven flexion lessons (two extra!) to soften the whole back. You’ll stand tall after this! Seven lessons.

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These lessons are the best things going for back pain. They will save you from throwing your back out as well as help you walk, sit, run, and enjoy life. Intelligent use of the back and belly muscles is crucial to everything we do as humans. (Do these in order the first time through.)

1 Soften the back by rounding #1, 40 min
2 Soften the back by rounding #2, 34 min
3 Soften the back by rounding #3, 43 min
4 Soften the back by rounding #4, oscillating knee to elbow, 34 min
5 Intro to rolling #1, rounding back, lifting feet, 18 min
6 Intro to rolling #2, more rounding back, lifting feet, 32 min
7 Intro to rolling #3, rounding back, elbow between knees, 32 min